SAVE MONEY ON STAGE RENTAL BY ASKING 6 QUESTIONS Ask yourself: 1-How big of a stage do I need? 2-What height should the stage be? 3-Do I need the stage dressed? 4-Can the stage be installed/removed during business hours? 5-What is the physical location of the stage? 6-Can I use a self-install style stage? 1-Stage size is determined by what you put on it. A common size for a band stage is 12' x 16' which allows enough room for a drum set, keyboard, and two to three additional performers (maybe a vocalist, and two guitars). But the number of band members as well as the size of the instruments are what will dictate the stage size (think grand piano ). Any supporting equipment which needs to be on the stage such as speaker monitors should also be factored in. A dance performance may have a number of dancers, and depending on the style of dance, may require a significant size stage. For a lecture with one speaker you can get by with a much smaller stage (8' x 8...