Propane For Grilling and Heat

Propane Tank Safety: In the “old days” propane tanks were just metal cylinders with a screw valve on them. There was also a safety valve ( pressure relief valve ) that allowed propane to escape when it expanded, as it got hotter outside. Those days are gone. Now propane tanks have a safety pressure valve inside the valve you hand turn. This interior valve will not allow you to let propane out of the tank unless it is connected to the correct fitting (which is usually your gas grill). When you screw the fitting onto the tank it pushes in on the interior valve and allows gas to enter the supply hose. Gone are the days when you just turned the hand valve to see if there was gas in the tank (with no hose attached). The second safety valve installed on these tanks is called an OPD ( Overfill Protection Device ). They do not allow the person refilling the propane tank to overfill it (which is bad – the explosive kind of bad). This is basically a float inside of the tank that rises as ...