6 Ways To Transform Your Event Space With Pipe & Drape !!

Pipe & Drape is the material used at Home Shows, Boat Shows, Camping Shows, and the like to create temporary walls . It is used to define vendor areas so nobody encroaches on anyone else’s area. However, there are many other uses for Pipe & Drape. 1-Stage Backdrop: Pipe & Drape is used to create a Backdrop. It can be used on a temporary stage or a fixed stage in an auditorium. Typically the drape would be set at anywhere from eight feet to fourteen feet high depending on the needs of the end user. At a Corporate Event, a banner with the corporate logo can be hung from the Pipe & Drape to help Brand the event. The drape color can then be coordinated with corporate (or school) colors. The backdrop can also match the carpet or skirt colors from the stage to create an awesome focal point for the audience. 2-Mask off areas of a Room: If an area of the Event Space has a less than pleasant view or will distract the guests, Pipe & Drape can be used to “mask...