Cover Your Tables And Your Barrels

Mark Saponaro Covered Tables at Events: Everyone knows it is better to cover tables at an event (click here to see why) than to leave them bare: Table covers make tables look more uniform and hide table imperfections Table cover colors can tie in with the event theme or corporate colors Assigned table seating can be color coded to show where General Seating is as opposed to VIP , for example Covered Barrels at Events: Nobody even thinks about the lowly trash barrel...those ubiquitous grey brutes that are scattered throughout the event venue. As it turns out, for many of the same reasons that tables should be covered, Barrels should be covered too: Plastic Elastic Barrel Covers Most trash barrels are different ages...older ones may be damaged. Barrels may even be different colors from different manufacturers. Many metal drums at outside festivals and other large scale events could use a make-over in some cases...