How to design a Poster Board Layout

Mark Saponaro Poster Board Goals The best poster board has more graphics than text and is easily readable in a very short amount of time. The poster board should be self-explanatory so any reader can easily follow the content without stopping to figure out what they just read. The goal is to make your main points (2 or 3 not overload with info) in a limited amount of space (typically a 4'x 6' poster board) with attention grabbing info & graphics. This type of poster board will allow a reader to fully understand your topic, its premise, and ultimate conclusion. Text Use a simple font for printed text (eg. Arial) that can be read from a distance of about 3 feet. This means the type size should be about 1/2 inch tall. For the Title text, use a 1 inch high type size. Print out a test page and measure the font with a ruler to check for appropriate size. Hang this test paper on t...