The Best Mosquito Repellant: The Fan

Mark Saponaro ( ) When planning your event outdoors, do not forget to include enough fans to cover your event area. Mosquitoes track you by the carbon dioxide you exhale, so sitting in the breeze of a fan is the best way to go stealth on them. Your carbon dioxide gets blown away so there is no pathway for the mosquitoes to follow. Bonus: The breeze from the fan wreaks havoc on mosquitoes' flying ability. Just as you do not like turbulence when you fly, mosquitoes will steer clear of it. The bigger the fan the will cover a larger area to protect everyone. Placing fans around the perimeter of a tent is the best way to protect everyone. Fans will also keep your guests cool on hot and muggy days. See the article below from the New York Times on the subject. A Low-Tech Mosquito Deterrent By WILLIAM J. BROAD JULY 15, 2013 Over the Fourth of July holiday, my wife and I joined some friends fo...